Friday, 14 March 2014

Improve your fitness is not just exercise

For beginners or novice athlete ever is the most appropriate basis for regular walking.
Reinforce the positive effects you can use the sticks for Nordic walking, which are achieved due to a 46% greater efficiency than normal walking.

Nordic walking helps improve heart function, regulate weight, strengthen your muscles and speed up John Barban Review report

When choosing leisure activities is good to focus on the aerobic, which allows you to get fit and get them shredded physique. In addition to the walk, this also includes running, cycling, swimming, in-line skating or aerobics
At the same time, we should take into account our heart rate.

This means a proportionate level of motion that the resulting effect as complete as possible.
 Heart rate should move during activity around 65-85% of maximum heart rate. It can be measured using sport tester that you always audible signal warns when the frequency goes outside the set value.

Vitamins and minerals
Improve your fitness is not just exercise, but proper nutrition and enrich the diet with the necessary vitamins and minerals.Best Review

 Not always, however, consume a sufficient quantity of such foods that will give us all the necessary nutrients.
 Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to resort to food supplements in order to maintain the proper level. Studies show that 50% of women such as calcium level are below the recommended daily dose.

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