Tuesday, 11 March 2014

John Barban Review-Potential new treatment for diabetes

A recent study conducted by researchers from Columbia University Medical Center for new discoveries predict the emergence of new drugs for the treatment of diabetes type II,

and through the influence the hormone glucagon "glucagon", which has the effect opposite to the hormone insulin, which raises blood glucose levels.More Sources Available Venus Factor Review

The researchers found that the new treatment for diabetes lies in the inhibition of one of the enzymes, which is secreted in the blood after be associated with glucagon receptors liver of its own, and who owns this enzyme plays an important role in increasing blood glucose levels, which sends a protein aid to the cell nucleus, and tells her to secrete glucose in the blood.

The researchers added that the inhibition of this enzyme has succeeded in reducing blood glucose levels without the need to influence the hormone insulin and also the reduction of cholesterol levels and increased insulin
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sensitivity and reduced the proportion of fat accumulated on the liver, and researchers are currently developing a new drug is inhibiting this enzyme, asserting that the genius of this lies in the inhibition of the enzyme results in a reduction in the level of blood glucose without the slightest effect on the hormone glucagon and not influence the functions and that can lead to a great imbalance in the body.

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