Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Latest medical research-John Barban Scam

Revealed a new U.S. study conducted by researchers that the drug, which is used to treat diabetes type II, his very effective in the prevention and protection from cancer of the liver

The researchers pointed out that the drug showed the effectiveness of a large sugar through his experience on mice in reducing the incidence of liver cancer, where the tumor activity say to a minimum, while the activity of the liver tumor your mice that did not get on the property as it is on the rise, and also enables the drug inhibition of the manufacturing process of fat within the liver which contributes a significant role in reducing the chances of developing liver cancer.Visit my WebPages John Barban

High sugar and weight may force the carrier to cesarean delivery
Revealed a new U.S. study conducted by researchers from Northwestern University U.S. for the high weight of the carrier, in addition to high sugar levels have raised the chances of a health risk to her and the newborn than previously thought, the study pointed out that the suffering of the carrier from each of the high weight and high level blood sugar together carries risks for the woman and newborn baby more than just a woman with obesity or injury gestational diabetes only, despite the widespread belief that they are carrying a greater risk.

One of the main risks which may be caused by the problem of high weight pregnant and high levels of sugar have is to have the weight of her newborn largest natural boundary and increase its size dramatically, which may lead to injury during the process of vaginal birth, including raising the urgent need for a caesarean section to protect the baby from any harm.

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